Product Description
HPLC Purge Valve Assembly for Agilent 1100/1200 PT# 01018-60009
Additional Agilent (Hewlett Packard) 1100/1200 HPLC Parts
Part # Description
01018-60009 Purge valve assembly
G1314-60100 Deuterium lamp
G1316-87300 Capilary 70mm long x 0.17mm ID, for column oven assem
0100-0043 Ferrule, front SST for col oven
0100-0044 Ferrule, back SST for col oven
5180-4114 Ferrule
79814-22406 Fitting SST for col oven
G1311-60004 Complete assembly for Iso pump
5062-2441 Saphire plunger
79835-60005 Damper
G1321-60005 Flow cell for Fluoresence det
G1330A Parts
Fuse – Power Supply (T2.5A/250V; CSA, UL listed) 2110-0015
2 Fuse TCA – Board (T3A/250V; CSA, UL listed) 2110-0029
3 Front Cover 5062-8582
Cable, autosampler – ALS thermostat G1330-81600
Waste Tube* 5062-2463
2 Waste Tube Assembly G1330-67300
Analytical head assembly, includes items 1 – 6 01078-60003
1 Screws 0515-0850
2 Plunger assembly 5062-2441
3 Adapter 01078-23200
4 Support seal assembly 5001-3739
5 Metering seal (pack of 2) 5062-8516
6 Head body 01078-27710
Screw M5 60mm lg, for mounting of assembly 0515-2118
Cover kit, includes base, side panels and top cover G1313-68703
2 Name plate for HP 1100 Series 5042-1312
3 Front cover G1313-68704
Foam kit, includes items 2 and 3 G1313-68702
1 Board guides 5041-8395
Injection-valve assembly, includes items 2 – 6 0101-0921
2 Rotor seal (Vespel) 0100-1853
Rotor seal (Tefzel) 0100-1849
3 Stator head 0100-1850
4 Stator screws 1535-4857
5 Stator face 0100-1851
6 Isolation seal 0100-1852
Hex key 9/64 inch (for stator screws) 8710-0060
Leak sensor 5061-3356
2 Leak plane G1313-44501
3 Leak tubing 120 mm* 5062-2463
4 Leak funnel 5041-8388
5 Leak funnel holder 5041-8389
Needle-seat assembly, 0.12mm i.d., 1.2µl internal volume G1313-87103
2 Sampler-thermostat capillary, 180mm, 0.12mm i.d. G1313-87304
3 Isocratic sample 01080-68704
4 Cartridge holder 5021-1845
5 Column 125mm x 4mm 5µm ODS 7982618-564
6 Damper-Purge Valve capillary (for pump module) G1312-67301
7 Column capillary, 0.12 i.d.(for column thermostat) G1315-87312
Transport assembly (see page 164 ) G1313-60009
2 Sampling unit assembly, excluding injection valve and
analytical head assembly (see page 166 )
3 Analytical head assembly (see page 168 ) 01078-60003
4 Needle assembly G1313-87201
5 Needle-seat assembly G1313-87101
6 Injection valve assembly (see page 169 ) 0101-0921
7 Vial tray (see page 175 ) G1313-44500
8 Gripper assembly G1313-60010
9 Autosampler main board (ASM)
Exchange Assembly – ASM board
10 Ribbon cable, sample transport G1313-81601
11 Ribbon cable, sampling unit G1313-81602
Sampler-thermostat capillary (180mm, 0.17mm id) G1313-87305
Sampler-thermostat capillary (180mm, 0.12mm id) G1313-87304
Fan 3160-1017
BCDboard ( not shown) G1351-68701
Power supply assembly (part; not shown) 0950-2528
Sampling unit assembly (excluding injection valve assembly
and analytical head assembly)
1 Sampling unit connector board (SUD) G1313-66503
2 Belt gear (for metering unit and needle arm) 1500-0697
3 Stepper motor (for metering unit and needle arm) 5062-8590
4 Loop capillary, 100 µl 01078-87302
5 Analytical head assembly (see page 168 ) 01078-60003
6 Valve-metering capillary G1313-87301
7 Safety cover G1313-44105
8 Injection valve assembly (see page 169 ) 0101-0921
9 Leak sensor 5061-3356
10 Waste tube G1313-87300
11 Needle-seat assembly, 0.17mm i.d., 2.3µl internal volume G1313-87101
Needle-seat assembly, 0.12mm i.d., 1.2µl internal volume G1313-87103
12 Seat adapter G1313-43204
13 Safety flap G1313-44106
14 Flex board G1313-66501
15 Needle assembly G1313-87201
Clamp Kit (includes needle clamp and 2 x clamp screw) G1313-68713
16 Needle-arm unit G1313-68707
Slot cover 5001-3772
2 Screw cover 5022-2112
3 Sheet metal kit G1313-68701
Transport Assembly (complete) G1313-60009
2 Finger Caps (pack of 15) 5063-6506
3 Gripper Assembly G1313-60010
4 Screw for Motor (M3 × 0.5) 0515-0886
Washer for Motor Screws 3050-0891
5 Motor Assembly G1313-89700
Belt for X and Z axes (not shown) 1500-1017
Belt for theta (gripper) axis (not shown) 1500-1018
Tray for 100 × 2-ml vials G1313-44500
2 Halftray for 15 × 6-ml vials G1313-44503
3 Halftray for 40 × 2-ml vials G1313-44502
Halftray labels 5959-3890
4 Spring stud 0570-1574
5 Spring G1313-09101
6 Screws for springs 0515-0866
7 Tray base (includes items 4, 5, 6). G1313-60002
Plastic covers, including top, base and sides G1312-68703
2 Front cover G1312-60011
3 Name plate, HP 1100 5042-1312
Capillary, mixer to purge valve G1312-67308
2 Capillary, outlet ball valve to piston 2 G1312-67300
3 Mixer G1312-87330
4 Bottle-head assembly G1312-68706
5 Capillary, damper to mixer G1312-67307
6 Restriction capillary G1312-67304
7 Mixing capillary G1312-67302
8 Connection tube G1311-67304
9 Capillary, pump to injector device G1312-67305
10 Waste tube, 5 m 5062-2461
* Capillary, damper to purge valve G1312-67301
Capillary, mixer to purge valve G1312-67308
2 Capillary, outlet ball valve to piston 2 G1312-67300
3 Mixer G1312-87330
4 Bottle-head assembly G1312-68706
5 Capillary, damper to mixer G1312-67307
6 Restriction capillary G1312-67304
7 Mixing capillary G1312-67302
8 Capillary, pump to injection device G1312-67305
9 Waste tube, 5 m 5062-2461
10 Adapter, AIV to bottle-head assembly 0100-1847
* Capillary, damper to purge valve G1312-67301
Pump head, page 181 G1311-60004
2 Pump drive assembly
Exchange assembly—pump drive
3 Cable assembly—AIV to main board G1311-61601
4 High-pressure pump main board (HPM)
Exchange assembly—HPM board
5 Standoff—HP-IB connector 0380-0643
6 Standoff—remote connector 1251-7788
7 Nut M 14— analog output 2940-0256
8 Washer—analog output 2190-0699
9 Power supply 0950-2528
10 Screw M4, 8 mm lg—power supply 0515-0910
11 Washer—power supply 2190-0409
12 Cable assembly—solvent selection valve G1312-61602
13 Fan assembly 3160-1017
14 High pressure damper 79835-60005
15 Solvent selection valve G1312-60000
Outlet ball valve—complete assembly G1312-60008
1 Socket cap G1312-21208
2 Housing screw 01018-22410
3 Outlet valve cartridge No part number
4 Sieve (pack of 10) 5063-6505
5 Gold seal, outlet 5001-3707
6 Cap* 5062-2485
Pump-head assembly, including items marked with (*) G1311-60004
1* Sapphire plunger 5062-2441
2* Plunger housing G1311-60000
3* Support seal assembly 5001-3739
4* Seal (pack of 2)
Seal (pack of 2), for normal phase applications
5* Wear retainer (pack of 10) 01018-22706
6* Capillary outlet valve to piston 2 G1312-67300
7* Pump chamber housing G1311-25200
8 Active inlet valve 5062-8568
9* Screw M4— purge valve holder 0515-0175
10 Purge valve holder G1312-23200
11 Outlet ball valve G1312-60008
12* Screw lock 5042-1303
13 Apdater G1312-23201
14 Purge valve assembly 01018-60009
15* Screw M5, 60 mm lg 0515-2118
Pump Head Assembly Complete assembly, including parts marked with * G1311-60005
Pump-head assembly with seal wash, including items marked with * G1311-60005
Sapphire plunger 5063-6586
Plunger housing (including spring) G1311-60002
1* Sapphire plunger 5062-2441
2* Plunger housing G1311-60000
3* Support seal assembly 5001-3739
3 Support ring, seal wash 5062-2465
4 Secondary seal 0905-1175
5 Wash tube (2.5 m) 0890-1764
6 Gasket, seal wash (pack of 6) 5062-2484
7 Seal keeper 5001-3743
8* Seal (pack of 2)
Seal (pack of 2), for normal phase applications
Seal (pack of 2) or
Seal (pack of 2), for normal phase applications
12 Active inlet valve 5062-8568
13* Screw, purge-valve holder 0515-0175
14 Purge-valve holder G1312-23200
Active inlet valve G1312-60010
Replacement cartridge for active inlet valve 5062-8562
Outlet ball valve (complete with cartridge) G1311-60012
12* Screw lock 5042-1303
13 Purge valve G1311-60009
14* Screw M5, 60 mm lg 0515-2118
15* Seal wash pump assembly 5065-9953
Seal wash upgrade kit (see page 187) 01018-68722
Cell support assembly G1315-65202
1 Retainer ring 0510-1638
2 Washer-spring wavy 3050-1591
3 Spectro window 79880-28111
4 Cell support G1315-24701
Coupling lens assembly G1103-68001
EPP foam kit, includes base and top G1315-68702
3 Damper kit (includes 10 bumpers) G1315-68706
4 Guides for interface board 5041-8395
Holmium oxide filter motor assembly, includes items
2 and 4
2 Holmium oxide filter lever G1315-45001
3 Holmium oxide filter 79880-22711
4 Spring 1460-1510
5 Lever fixture G1315-09102
Leak sensor assembly 5061-3356
2 Leak pan G1315-45501
3 Leak funnel 5041-8388
4 Leak funnel holder 5041-8389
5 Clip 5041-8387
6 Leak Tubing 120 mm lg 0890-1711
7 Waste Tubing 1200 mm lg (part of accessory kit) 0890-1711
Micro flow cell assembly, 6 mm, 1.7 µl,
maximum pressure 400 bar
1 Window assembly, comprises items 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6
2 Seal ring 79883-27101
3 Quartz window 1000-0953
4 Compression washer 79883-28802
5 Spring washers (pack of 10) 5062-8553
6 Window screw 79883-22404
7 Capillary IN (0.12 mm, 290 mm lg) including heat exchanger G1315-87325
8 Capillary OUT (0.12 mm, 290 mm lg) G1315-87306
9 Clamp unit G1315-84901
Screw M 2.5, 4 mm lg for cell body/clamp unit 0515-1056
Capillary 0.12 mm, 150 mm lg) G1315-87312
Capillary 0.17 mm, 380 mm lg) G1315-87311
Cell Repair Kit HP, includes 1 quartz window,
5 spring washers, 2 seal rings
Micro flow cell assembly, 6 mm, 1.7 µl,
maximum pressure 400 bar
1 Window assembly, comprises items 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6
2 Seal ring 79883-27101
3 Quartz window 1000-0953
4 Compression washer 79883-28802
5 Spring washers (pack of 10) 5062-8553
6 Window screw 79883-22404
7 Capillary IN (0.12 mm, 290 mm lg) including heat exchanger G1315-87325
8 Capillary OUT (0.12 mm, 290 mm lg) G1315-87306
9 Clamp unit G1315-84901
Screw M 2.5, 4 mm lg for cell body/clamp unit 0515-1056
Capillary 0.12 mm, 150 mm lg) G1315-87312
Capillary 0.17 mm, 380 mm lg) G1315-87311
Cell Repair Kit HP, includes 1 quartz window,
5 spring washers, 2 seal rings
DAD main board DAM (exchange assembly) G1315-69520
Hexagonal nut for HP-IB connector 0380-0643
Hexagonal nut for RS-232C connector 1251-7788
Nut for analog connector 2940-0256
Washer for analog connector 2190-0699
Cable CAN to HP 1100 Series modules 5181-1516
2 Power supply , for power and status light parts, see page 182 0950-2528
3 Interface board BCD (BCD/external contacts) G1351-68701
Fuse for BCD board, 250 mA (total of 4 are on the board) 2110-0004
4 Fan assembly 3160-1016
5 Optical unit (exchange assembly), for additional optical unit parts, see page 166 G1315-69002
6 Deuterium lamp 2140-0590
7 Tungsten lamp G1103-60001
8 For details see page 168 for standard flow cell, page 170 for semi-micro flow cell, or
page 172 for high-pressure micro flow cell
9 Leak sensor assembly 5061-3356
Front cover 5062-8582
2 Plastics, includes base, sides and top 5062-8565
3 Name plate HP 1100 Series 5042-1312
Semi-micro flow cell assembly, 6 mm, 5 µl,
maximum pressure 120 bar
1 Window screw 79883-22402
2 Spring washers, pack of 10 5062-8553
3 Compression washer 79883-28801
4 Window holder 79883-22301
5 Quartz window 1000-0488
6 Gasket BACK (Teflon), 1.8 mm hole, outlet side See kits below
7 Gasket FRONT (Teflon), 1.3 mm hole, inlet side See kits below
8 Window assembly, comprises item 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 No part number
9 Capillary IN (0.12 mm, 290 mm lg) including heat exchanger G1315-87325
10 Capillary OUT (0.12 mm, 200 mm lg) G1315-87306
11 Clamp unit G1315-84901
Screw M 2.5, 4 mm lg for cell body/clamp 0515-1056
Zero dead volume fitting 0100-0900
Cell repair kit semi-micro, includes window screw kit, 4 mm
kexagonal wrench and seal kits
Seal kit BACK for semi-micro flow cell, qty=12 of item 6 79883-68702
Seal kit FRONT for semi-micro flow cell, qty=12 of item 7 G1315-68710
Window screw kit, includes 2 quartz windows, 2
compression washers, 2 window holders, 2 window screws
and 10 spring washers
Sheet metal kit includes case and top cover G1315-68701
2 Screws M3 for cover and flow cell door 5022-2112
3 Thumb screw for union holder 0515-2769
4 Zero dead volume fitting 0100-0900
5 Union holder clamp G1315-05205
Source lens (achromat) assembly includes a filter lever
1 Lens achromatic 1000-0486
2 Spring compression 1460-2255
3 Spectro window 79880-28111
Standard flow cell assembly, 10 mm, 13 µl,
maximum pressure 120 bar
1 Window screw 79883-22402
2 Spring washers, pack of 10 5062-8553
3 Compression washer 79883-28801
4 Window holder 79883-22301
5 Quartz window 1000-0488
6 Gasket BACK (Teflon), 2.3 mm hole, outlet side See kits below
7 Gasket FRONT (Teflon), 1.3 mm hole, inlet side See kits below
8 Window assembly, comprises item 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 No part number
9 Capillary IN (0.17 mm, 590 mm lg) including heat exchanger G1315-87321
10 Capillary OUT (0.17 mm, 200 mm lg) G1315-87302
11 Clamp unit G1315-84901
Screw M 2.5, 4 mm lg for cell body/clamp 0515-1056
Zero dead volume fitting 0100-0900
Cell repair kit STD, includes window screw kit, 4mm
kexagonal wrench and seal kit
Seal kit BACK for STD flow cell, qty=12 of item 6 G1315-68711
Seal kit FRONT for STD flow cell, qty=12 of item 7 G1315-68710
Window screw kit, includes 2 quartz windows, 2
compression washers, 2 window holders, 2 window screws
and 10 spring washers
Remote cables, HP 1100, HP 1050, HP 1046A, 5061-3378
General purpose 01046-60201
Auxiliary HP 1100 Series vacuum degasser G1322-61600
Set of all plastic covers, top-side-base 5062-8579
2 Front cover 5062-8580
3 Logo plate, HP 1100 5042-1312
4 Tube clip 5041-8387
Sheet metal kit, includes base and top plate G1322-68701
Vacuum chamber G1322-60001
2 Sensor assembly (included in the control assembly) no PN
3 Vacuum degasser control assembly G1322-66500
4 Fuse 500 mA 2110-0457
5 Board clip G1322-43100
6 Solenoid valve G1322-60003
7 Vacuum tubes G1322-60002
8 Fixing plate no PN
9 Vacuum pump G1322-60000
10 Leak tray G1322-44100
12 Leak pan, degasser 5042-1307
Pump Isocratic
Active inlet valve
Active inlet valve—complete assembly 5062-8568
1 Valve body No part number
2 Gold washer 5001-3708
3 Plastic cap, AIV 01018-21207
Complete assembly G1312-68706
1 PEEK bushing 5042-1306
2 Tube screw 5041-2163
3 Wire marker No part number
4 Tubing PTFE, 5 m 5062-2483
5 Bottle-head cap 5041-8398
6 Bottle-head shaft 01018-43711
7 Bottle-head washer 5041-8396
8 Frit adapter (pack of 4) 5062-8517
9 Solvent inlet filter 5041-2168
Analog cables
HP 3390/2/3 integrators 01040-60101
HP 3394/6 integrators 35900-60750
HP 35900A A/D converter 35900-60750
General purpose (spade lugs) 01046-60105
HP 3390/2/3 integrators 01040-60101
Remote cables
HP 3390 integrator 01046-60203
HP 3392/3 integrators 01046-60206
HP 3394 integrator 01046-60210
HP 3396A (Series I) integrator 03394-60600
HP 3396 Series II / 3395A integrator, see page 178
HP 3396 Series III / 3395B integrator 03396-61010
HP 1050 modules / HP 1046A FLD 5061-3378
HP 1046A FLD 5061-3378
HP 35900A A/D converter 5061-3378
HP 1040 diode-array detector 01046-60202
HP 1090 liquid chromatographs 01046-60202
Signal distribution module 01046-60202
BCD Cables
HP 3392/3 integrators 18594-60510
HP 3396 integrator 03396-60560
General purpose (spade Lugs) 18594-60520
CAN Cables
HP 1100 module to module,0.5m lg
HP 1100 module to module, 1m lg
HP 1100 module to control module G1323-81600
External Contacts
HP 1100 Series interface board to general purpose G1103-61611
HP-IB (GPIB) cables
HP 1100 module to ChemStation, 1 m 10833A
HP 1100 module to ChemStation, 2 m 10833B
RS-232 cable
HP 1100 module to a computer
This kit contains a 9-pin female to 9-pin female Null
Modem (printer) cable and one adapter.
Control Module
Control module, replacement part including cable G1323-67001
CAN cable, HP 1100 module to control module G1323-81600
Cover kit, includes top-side-base 5062-8565
2 Front plate 5062-8566
3 Logo plate, HP 1100 5042-1312
Board guide 5041-8395
2 Foam kit, including upper and lower foam G1312-68702
3 Bushing, for pump drive 1520-0404
Capillary, piston 1 to damper G1311-67301
2 Bottle-head assembly G1312-68706
3 Capillary, damper to piston 2 G1311-67300
4 Outlet capillary, pump to injector device G1312-67305
5 Waste tube, 5 m 5062-2461
6 Adapter, AIV to solvent inlet tubes 0100-1847
Outlet ball valve—complete assembly 01018-60008
1 Socket cap 01018-25209
2 Housing screw 01018-22410
3 Outlet valve cartridge No part number
4 Gold seal, outlet 5001-3707
5 Cap* 5062-2485
Leak sensor 5061-3356
2 Tube clip 5041-8387
3 Leak pan, pump 5041-8390
4 Leak funnel 5041-8388
5 Holder, leak funnel 5041-8389
6 Tube, waste* 5062-2463
Pump head, see page 164 G1311-60004
2 Pump drive assembly
Exchange assembly—pump drive
3 Cable assembly—AIV to main board G1311-61601
4 Low-pressure pump main board (LPM)
Exchange assembly—LPM board
5 Standoff—HP-IB connector 0380-0643
6 Standoff—remote connector 1251-7788
7 Nut M14—analog output 2940-0256
8 Washer—analog output 2190-0699
9 Power supply 0950-2528
10 Screw, M4, 8 mm lg—power supply 0515-0910
11 Washer—power supply 2190-0409
12 Fan assembly 3160-1016
13 Damping unit 79835-60005
14 Leak pan—pump 5041-8390
Power switch coupler 5041-8383
2 Light pipe—power switch 5041-8382
3 Power switch button 5041-8381
4 Light pipe—status lamp 5041-8384
Pump Head Complete assembly, including items marked with * G1311-60004
1* Sapphire plunger 5062-2441
2* Plunger housing (including spring) G1311-60000
3* Support ring 5001-3739
4* Seal (pack of 2)
Seal (pack of 2), for normal phase applications
5* Wear retainer (pack of 10) 01018-22706
6* Pump chamber housing G1311-25200
7 Active inlet valve 5062-8568
8 Outlet ball valve 01018-60008
9* Screw lock 5042-1303
10 Purge valve assembly 01018-60009
11* Screw M5, 60 mm lg 0515-2118
Purge valve—complete assembly 01018-60009
1 Valve body No part number
2 PTFE frit (pack of 5) 01018-22707
3 Gold seal 5001-3707
4 Cap* 5062-2485
Sheet metal kit, includes top, base and Z-panel G1311-68701
2 Screw, for cover and Z-Panel 5022-2112
3 Board cover 5001-3772
Solvent cabinet, including all plastic parts 5062-8581
2 Name plate, HP 1100 5042-1312
3 Front panel, solvent cabinet 5062-8580
4 Leak pan, solvent cabinet 5042-1307
5 Bottle 9301-0656
6 Bottle-head assembly, see page 156 G1312-68706