The 6890 is the latest and greatest in gas chromatography utilizing new features in functionality and design to give you the ultimate in productivity and performance. With new detector, inlet and EPC (electronic pressure control) the 6890 is offers a major step up in everything from installation to operation. If quality, productivity and performance are what you need in a GC, the 6890 might be right for you!
Techlabs offers fully refurbished and tested 6890ās that are customized to your exact requirements. Call or email us for a quote today. We can sell, rent, or āleaseā the Agilent 6890 to you. Remember, along with your phone comes our ONE YEAR PARTS AND LABOUR WARRANTY and our PHONE TECHNICAL SUPPORT.
Need parts for your 6890? Check out our ā6890 partsā support.
Here are some of the most common set ups.
6890 single injector (split/split less or Packed) single FID detector 16,500.00 USD
6890 single injector (split/split less or Packed) single TCD detector 17,500.00 USD
6890 dual injectors (split/split less or Packed) dual FID detectors 18,500.00 USD
6890 dual injectors (split/split less or Packed) dual TCD detectors 20,500.00 USD
6890 dual injectors (split/split less or Packed) dual FID/TCD detectors 19,500.00 USD
Here are some of the available add on items for HP 6890 Options for HP GCās
Gas sampling valve and valve oven 4,500.00 USD
Chemstation Software with computer for 6890 5,600.00 USD
Printer 215.00 USD
Auto sampler 7673C including tower, sample tray and controller set up on Inet communications, including cables and cords. 7,400.00 USD
Mounting bracket and HPIB (IEEE) communications available at extra cost. Type C Tray only 2,400.00 USD
Type C Tower only 3,000.00 USD
Type C Controller only 2,400.00 USD
Type C Bracket only 600.00 USD
Auto sampler 7683 including tower, sample tray, controller, mounting bracket and cables and cords ā 11,000.00 USD
Trade in any type C controllers, towers or trays and receive 350.00 USD off for each.